To get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
SOZO is an inner-healing/deliverance ministry
SOZO is simple, fast, Spirit-led and effective

Freedom! Book A SOZO
Here, You can register for a Sozo appointment with one of our certified ministers.
What Your SOZO Will Look Like?
There will be 1-3 SOZO ministers in the room praying for you and guiding you through a process of connecting with God As the Holy Spirit leads, you’ll be invited to ask Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit questions about:
Lies you’re believing
Wounds that need healing
People to forgive
Unhealthy relational and/or generational ties
Sins to renounce You’ll come away with a fresh revelation of God’s love and truth.
What is SOZO?
The SOZO ministry is unique in that the main goal is to deal with the roots of hindrances to your personal connection to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, enabling you to walk in the fullness of your God-given destiny.
a) to save
b) to heal
c) to deliver
to save a suffering one, to make well, heal, to deliver from to deliver from God’s judgment.
SOZO is the Greek word translated “saved, healed, delivered.” SOZO contains the whole package of being made whole or well.
“That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved (SOZO).” Romans 10:9
“But Jesus turning and seeing her said ‘Daughter take courage your faith has made you well (SOZO) and at once the woman was made well (SOZO).” Matthew 9:22
“And those who had seen it reported to them how the man who was demon-possessed had been made well (SOZO).” Luke 8:36
The SOZO ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are six tools that the SOZO team uses:
DoorsPresenting Jesus
The Wall
Trigger Mechanisms (Advanced Tool)
Divine Editing (Advanced Tool)
Is SOZO Like Professional Counseling?
SOZO ministry is not “professional” in that SOZO ministers are not degreed counselors, but simply Christians with a desire to help each other overcome obstacles and strongholds in their lives. SOZO ministers are Christians from a variety of church affiliations and backgrounds and all of them have had training and experience as an observer and assistant before being in charge of a session. SOZO is not counseling, in that it may only usually consist of one session, which tends to be approximately one to three hours in length. Each session is designed to help remove roadblocks and hindrances to spiritual growth, relationships, and intimacy with Jesus and living a fuller life.
Life Church Muskoka is certified to by SOZO Canada/USA.
Questions? Get in touch.